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Motherhood Unhindered: MN's key Resource (part 2)

Elevate Pilates

Did you know Minnesota is the only state to offer a helpline specifically for moms and dads who are experiencing mental health needs?

Pregnancy and Post-Birth Support Minnesota (PPSM)

Anyone who is concerned can reach out for help.

Helpline Phone 612-787-7776

Helpline Email

PPSM is a group of mental health & perinatal practitioners, service organizations, and mother volunteers who provides services to those struggling with a pregnancy, loss, or postpartum mood disorder through the Helpline, professional training, our resource list and website.

They offer four vetted resource lists of providers who specialize in working with moms and dads in these critical stages of parenting.

* Mental Health Provider Resource List

* Integrative and Complimentary Provider List

* Psychiatry Prodivder (med management) Resource List

* Community Resource List

PPSM offers tools to help mothers reach out and get the help they need. Fathers, family, friends and providers who are concerned about mothers they know who may be in need of this support are also encouraged to use these tools:

* Self Test a simple checklist of symptoms that pertain to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders

*Provider Lists four vetted resource lists

*Helpline Phone 612.787.7776 call / text to reach a trained volunteer and get connected to a provider

* Helpline Email

*Annual 5K Daisy Dash happens in May and the main fundraiser for this valuable non-profit

Many additional resources are available for mothers, providers, and community members at PPSM's website.

Elevate Pilates is a PPSM Provider!

We are excited to announce Dannell Shu is the first, movement-based provider to be vetted and included in PPSM's current Integrative and Complimentary Provider List.

As a Certified Pilates Trainer and Post-Birth Specialist, Dannell is uniquely gifted to support mothers who are facing mental health needs in their postpartum experience.

Dannell also has experience with

Birth trauma

Neonatal ICU

Palliative care

Hospice care

Child loss


Pilates is a body-mind practice. Our approach at Elevate Pilates is to provide a nurturing environment to support the building of soulful resilience in Moms. To find out more, reach out to, sign up for a group mat class or visit our PPSM Moms page.

Motherhood Unhindered is a blog series focused on raising awareness about maternal mental health, highlighting resources, and educating about the related benefits of Pilates for moms.

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