Athletes | Dancers | Musicians
“The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body not at its mercy.”
Joe Pilates
You have worked hard to be successful. Yet the one sided nature of sports and repetitive movement creates limitations through imbalances in the body and mind. The development of deep core strength, flexibility, agility, and alignment is required for you to reach your next goal.
Classic Pilates is your
active recovery
injury prevention

We help Athletes
reduce back pain
prevent injury
run & skate faster
jump higher
hit, shoot, kick farther
develop core 360 muscles
maximize stability for flexibility
correct imbalances and breathing
boost stamina and endurance
promote longevity
Elevate Pilates offers first-hand experience
After years of rigorous dance training, Dannell was introduced to Pilates and it's ability to boost skills, endurance, and reach performance goals. In two short months, through twice weekly mat and reformer exercises, Dannell's dancing exponentially increased: stamina, mental clarity, physical strength, agility, and range of motion.
Dannell Shu is a Certified Pilates Trainer known as a strategic educator who inspires people to live engaged lives through soulful resilience. She is an insightful listener and coach who motivates students to physically engage with clear and focused attention. As a veteran movement teacher, her attention to detail challenges students to work hard and be courageous.
She holds a BFA in Dance, Masters in Christian Worship Studies, has expansive somatic movement training, and a 20 year injury-free professional dance career. She is a Mama to two boys; one on earth, one in heaven.
Elevate Pilates will
give you the courage to work toward meaningful goals with congruence of body, mind, and spirit.
identify and correct the imbalances that are impeding your ability to reach your next level of success.
Private Reformer Sessions are recommended for individual Athletes, Musicians, and Dancers. These sessions include classic Pilates reformer, mat, and tower exercises designed to meet your unique needs.
Group Mat Classes can be designed to fit the specific needs of athletic teams and dance / music ensembles. Contact Elevate Pilates for a free consultation of your team's needs and how Pilates can best fit into your strategy.